Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 29 - Avoiding Strangers Self-Commitment Statements

I commit myself to stop avoiding strangers and and unfamiliar people and direct myself here in the breath to stop all fears.

I commit myself to stop all judgment/comparison of myself and others when being around (unfamiliar) people and be here in the breath.

I commit myself to no longer search for acceptance from other people but to accept myself as an equal.

I commit myself to stop/remove all separation/reactions that come up within myself when being around (unfamiliar) people through self-forgiveness and self-correction until I am always equal here in the breath.

I commit myself to stop and remove the pattern of fear of stranger/unfamiliar people with self-forgiveness and self-correction until I am always here in the breath equal.

I commit myself to stop all reactions and judgments when I talk to (unfamiliar) people and to talk and express myself equally with others as do when with self.

I commit myself to stop all superiority/inferiority when being/speaking with (unfamiliar) people through self-forgiveness and self-correction until I am always equal here in the breath.

I commit myself to stop all judgments/reactions to what other people are saying with self-forgiveness and self-correction until I am always equal here in the breath and to direct the conversation through common sense and what is best for all and I commit myself to not avoid taking self-responsibility to speak and share myself and what I realized about self and common sense and what is best for all.

I commit myself to expand myself through meeting/talking to unfamiliar people and share myself and remove/stop all reactions/fears through self-forgiveness and self-corrective application.

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